Photo 3) Burning of wood gas in the external fire box- which starts about after the 3rd hour of wood drying
We have achieved rather smokeless carbonization, low emissions!
Here we are: a more environmentally friendly production of charcoal for fuel and biochar
-Please note
The “mobile adam-retort” is designed for factory fabrication for a significant number of production units.
(The fixed masonry “adam-retort” can be built individually by a mason)
-however the fabrication of such a “mobile adam-retort” made from metal should be crafted by a professional metal worker with a well equipped metal workshop.
So if you are a farmer, a permaculturalist, biochar user, a NGO staff person, don’t come to me and ask for drawings and my advice how to build this retort. No,
please find an individual, an entrepreneur, who will be interested in manufacturing a whole series of these mobile retorts and who will be willing to be a country's
We still have some issue to achieve smokeless operation and we will test another prototype end of 2018
This "mobile adam-retort" is registered for patent application ! Patent pending,
all rights reserved.
We published a youtube video recently:
“mobile adam-retort for charcoal 2015 No3 ”
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